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Introduction: The Truth Behind Drain Myths

Many homeowners and businesses in Balmain, Sydney harbour misconceptions regarding plumbing myths, especially about blocked drain issues. It’s imperative to stop believing in myths like effective water heater outputs and harmless 'flushable’ wipes, which may exacerbate plumbing issues. This article by Balmain Plumbing will debunk some of the most common myths about blocked drains prevalent among homeowners.

Grasping the reality behind these myths is essential to ensure issues can go without disrupting your plumbing system and the integrity of sewer networks. We will uncover the mistaken beliefs people have when it comes to their drains and toilets, and provide proper solutions.

Attempting improper DIY fixes or using the wrong methods to clear clogs can easily cause damage to pipes, cause leaks, and lead to serious blockages.

In particular, we will tackle myths on using hot water, chemicals, ice cubes, and more to clear clogs. We’ll explain why items like wet wipes should avoid your drains, how tree roots wreak havoc, and when it’s imperative to seek professional help to fix plumbing woes.

Equipped with accurate information, Balmain residents and businesses can help avert plumbing problems and make informed decisions when faced with a blocked drain. Understanding the truth about these common myths is the first step when comes to proper maintenance and care for your essential drainage systems.

Myth 1: Chemicals Can Unclog Drains

Many homeowners are under the false impression that pouring liquid drain cleaners down clogged drains offers a quick fix for blockages. However, trying to neutralise these harmful chemicals with cold water can’t halt the significant damage these substances can cause to your pipes and sewer infrastructure. Balmain Plumbing never recommends using chemical cleaners, which can react dangerously when combined with other substances.

Caustic drain solutions containing lye or acids eat away at pipe materials, leading to minor leaks that can swiftly expand. They also release toxic fumes and can cause injury on contact. What’s worse, chemical residue causes obstruction further down the drain system after the products have flushed through.

Rather than attempting risky, damaging DIY chemical fixes, contact Balmain Plumbing to safely and effectively clear drain clogs caused by fats oils grease. Our experts wield specialised equipment like hydro-jetting and inspection cameras to remove blockage from drains. We can also provide drain maintenance to prevent future blockages from accumulating.

Why Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Unsafe

Using chemical drain cleaners can seriously endanger your plumbing and the environment. These corrosive products can ravage your pipes, interact with varying elements, and exude toxic fumes, literally smoking out your pipeline health. When residue later flushes into sewers, it causes further clogging and infrastructure corrosion.

Many chemical cleaners contain lye, acids, or solvents that can burn skin and eyes. If corrosion becomes extensive, pipes may give way, leading to a water leak, property damage, or more devastatingly, home flooding. Improper use also risks contaminating waterways with hazardous runoff, akin to how a brick in your toilet tank can unsettle the system’s balance.

Rather than risking DIY chemical drain fixes, it’s advisable to call a plumber from the experts at Balmain Plumbing. Contact us at 1300 349 338 or jobs@balmainplumbingservices.com.au for safer and more effective solutions. Our specialists use advanced techniques to clear any clogs while preventing pipe and environmental damage.

Myth 2: It’s Safe to Pour Grease Down the Drain

One might think it’s harmless to pour any form of grease oil down drains, but this is a misconception. Pouring grease down your drain is one most egregious errors and can cause serious blockages in Sydney’s aged sewer infrastructure. When grease cools and hardens, it adheres to the walls of your home’s plumbing pipes and impedes whatever goes down.

Over time, small amounts of grease amalgamate with food scraps and other debris, which can cause significant blockages. Eventually, a thick build up of grease totally clogs drains, thwarting wastewater movement. Attempting to tackle grease-clogged pipes yourself can actually send harmful material down the drain, increasing risk to your plumbing.

Instead, collect used oils grease and other cooking residues in containers. Once cooled and solidified, Throw away grease in your regular household waste to clean your toilet of potential blockages. Eschew pouring cooking fats down sink or toilet drains to minimise blockage risks. Preventive measures will shield you from costly plumbing issues, avoiding extensive repairs due to blocked drains.

The Environmental Impact of Grease in Sewers

While grease and fat may seem harmless when flushed, they can have serious environmental consequences by polluting waterways. When grease enters the sewer system, it adheres to surfaces and begins to clog up the system’s pipelines. Over time, it restricts wastewater flow, leading to sewer overflows.

Left unchecked, raw sewage from an overflowed your toilet bowl can seep into natural waterways, devastating ecosystems. Excess nutrients from wastewater contamination ignite algal blooms, which drains your aquatic environments of oxygen vital for fish and flora. Grease and fats also spread bacteria that pose health risks to wildlife and humans.

Preventing substances like fats from entering drains is vital before they turn into obstructions that threaten local waterways like Sydney Harbour. Simple habits like collecting cooking oil keep grease out of the sewers. Composting food scraps rather than disposal also reduces fat and grease accumulation.

Balmain residents and businesses must play their part in responsible grease disposal. Avoid pouring fats down any drain and remind others to do the same. Safeguard your sewer system and ensure the health of our waterways by keeping grease at bay.

Myth 3: All Blocked Drains Are the Same

When dealing with a clogged drain, many homeowners assume that any blockage can be cleared using the same methods. However, there are important differences between types of obstructions that require specialised techniques.

Blockages fall into main categories: soft organic matter like grease/food, hard inorganic items like toys/tools that fall in, and intrusive root growth. Tree roots in particular can cause serious pipe damage.

Our specialists at Balmain Plumbing leverage state-of-the-art plumbing cameras to analyse drain issues. When it comes to clogs, we determine the specific cause and location to deploy the ideal solutions.

For minor organic blockages, we use hydro-jetting to propel pressurised water through the pipe. Severe root infestations require mechanical cutting by rodding machines. We also replace badly damaged sections.

With decades of local experience across Sydney suburbs, we have in-depth expertise regarding regional drain types. Accurate identification allows direct targeting, essential in how effective plumbing works to restore thorough drainage flow.

Types of Drain Blockages and Required Solutions

There are several common types of drain blockages that require specific solutions:

Kitchen Sink Clogs

Common culprits in kitchen sink clogs are the build-up of fats oils and other substances that solidify within pipes. Attempting to clear these yourself risks making the situation worse. Our professionals use high-pressure hydro-jetting to safely clear grease blockages and prevent future buildup with drain maintenance.

Toilet and Bathroom Clogs

Your toilet can get clogged with too much toilet paper or "unflushable" wipes that swell up. We have special augers that can mechanically clear these obstructions. For primary blockages, a plunger can clear the way, and for more complex issues, our mini drainage cameras investigate and resolve hair and soap accumulations.

Sewer Line Blockages

Major sewer clogs requiring excavation are often caused by invasive tree roots or pipe collapse. Our repair crews possess advanced rodding tools that can handle even the most severe root masses. We also replace damaged sections of sewer piping to permanently restore wastewater flow.

No single solution can fix all drain problems. At Balmain Plumbing, we identify the specific cause and location of clogs to determine the proper techniques. Trust our decades of expertise when it comes to clearing all types of blocked drains.

Myth 4: Drain Issues Can Wait

Hesitating to address a blocked drain can often transform manageable issues into crises. Drain blockages tend to worsen over time, leading to backed up pipes, water damage, and even sewer overflows.

Early signs such as gurgling sounds or sluggish water movement can make apparent the onset of developing clogs. But many neglect issues assuming the problem will fix itself. In reality, debris accumulates and obstructions become more severe.

Postponing professional drain service can escalate small clogs into complete blockages, and this neglect could be all it takes to not clear a blocked drain. Neglecting early signs could create a scenario wherein you question how much water to turn off to avert pipe bursts and subsequent home flooding. Sewage backflows also threaten environmental contamination.

Never take a chance with drain problems. Call Balmain Plumbing immediately at signs of trouble. We also provide ongoing maintenance to prevent future issues.

When you need plumbing intervention, our emergency technicians on the Gold Coast rapidly clear blockages in pipes only, staving off major damage.

Waiting just allows clogs to intensify, raising repair costs. Protect property, health, and your water bill by acting promptly.

Worse still, neglected drain problems may necessitate full pipe replacement. Worse still, neglected drain problems may necessitate full pipe replacement.

Why You Should Address Drain Problems Quickly

Ignoring or delaying action when faced with blocked drains risks turning minor clogs into major plumbing disasters. Drain issues tend to worsen exponentially over time when neglected. Buildups of debris intensify, eventually causing complete obstructions, pipe failures, and sewer overflows.

Catching drain problems early provides the best chance of quick, affordable solutions. At the first signs of a clog, like gurgling noises or slow water flow, contact a professional immediately. Professionals can alleviate issues before they turn into impassable blockages.

If drain issues persevere, the expenses and damage can escalate, paving the way toilet malfunctions and broader plumbing failures. Clogs that worsen can burst pipes, flood homes with raw sewage, and result in expensive property repairs. Sewer overflows also seriously threaten environmental habitats and community health.

Preventing such catastrophic outcomes requires urgent action at initial signs of trouble. The pros at Balmain Plumbing leverage state-of-the-art plumbing cameras and cutting-edge hydro jetting equipment to clear drain obstructions fast. We also provide ongoing maintenance to stop future clogs.

Don’t take risks by putting off drain issues. Water damage, environmental hazards, and significant repair bills can all be circumvented by swift action through your Balmain Plumbing specialists when confronted with blocked drains. Act now by calling 1300 349 338 to prevent minor problems from becoming plumbing emergencies.

Myth 5: Flushable Wipes Are Safe for Sewers

Many people mistakenly believe that so-called "flushable" wipes will not cause a plumbing issue when flushed down toilets and sinks. However, wipes are notorious for causing clogs when flushed down toilet, leading to sewer blockages.

Although marketed as flushable, wet wipes do not break down like toilet paper. Instead, they stay intact and accumulate inside pipes along with fats, debris and grease.

Over time, flushable wipes bind together into large obstructions that block wastewater flow. They can also get tangled in pumps and equipment at treatment plants, causing mechanical issues.

The only safe flush materials for your toilet are human waste and toilet paper; avoid flushing wipes, regardless of flushable claims. Reserve flushing for human waste and toilet paper, not items claiming to aid conservation like putting a brick in your toilet tank. Properly disposing of wipes protects home plumbing and public sewer infrastructure against blockages.

The Damage Caused by 'Flushables’

Although labelled as flushable, many wipes and personal hygiene products do not break down like toilet paper. Wet wipes and similar items can travel through pipes and remain intact, joining forces with fats, debris, and grease.

Over time, "flushables" bind together into obstructions that block wastewater flow, causing backups and sewer overflows. They also get tangled in pumps and machinery at treatment plants, leading to mechanical damage and costly repairs.

By clogging household plumbing and city sewer infrastructure, these supposedly flushable products can lead to pipe leaks, water damage, flooding, and environmental issues. Always throw non-toilet paper items in the trash rather than flushing to avoid damage.

Preventing Future Drain Blockages

Preventing future drain blockages requires developing good maintenance habits and using proper disposal practises. Balmain Plumbing recommends the following tips to avoid clogs:

  • You should never allow fats, oils or grease to go down any drain. Allow cooked grease to cool/harden, then clean your containers before discarding them with regular rubbish.
  • Refrain from flushing anything except human waste and toilet paper. No wipes, feminine hygiene items, or other debris.
  • Employ sink strainers in your sink to capture food remnants and hair, then dispose of these substances effectively, keeping your waterways clear.
  • Schedule annual drain inspections and maintenance cleaning to remove built-up debris before major obstructions form.
  • Trim back trees and roots that pose risks for penetrating or damaging underground sewer pipes.
  • Don’t use chemical drain cleaners which can damage pipes - contact professionals like Balmain Plumbing instead.

Following these tips will maintain free-flowing drainage in your drains and sewer lines. Catching small clogs early prevents major blockages that risk overflowing sewage, water damage, and expensive repairs later on. Investing in regular drain care now can save money as well as prevent headaches and heartache in the future.

For professional assistance keeping drains clear, trust Balmain Plumbing. Call us at 1300 349 338 for reliable maintenance and emergency blocked drain services protecting the plumbing health of Sydney homes and businesses.

Proper Disposal Habits

Maintaining proper disposal habits is crucial for preventing drain blockages in homes and businesses. Here are some key guidelines for Sydney residents and companies to follow:

  • Allow cooked grease to fully cool and harden before disposing in your general waste.
  • Only human waste and toilet paper should be flushed. No "flushable" wipes, feminine products, cotton swabs, or cat litter down the toilet - these are a plumbing no-no.
  • Use sink strainers to catch food scraps, then dispose of them into your garbage disposal or rubbish bins - not down drains.
  • It’s a good idea to arrange yearly drain inspections and thorough cleanings to routinely rid pipes of debris, averting severe blockages.
  • Trim back trees and roots near sewer lines to avoid pipe penetration damage.
  • Don’t use hazardous chemical drain cleaners that corrode pipes. Contact Balmain Plumbing for professional assistance instead.

Engraining proper habits in households and staff aligns with the advice all plumbers stress for preventing avoidable drainage issues. Small efforts like using rubbish bins protects plumbing systems and the environment from blockages. Contact Balmain Plumbing on 1300 349 338 for maintenance cleaning or emergency drain repairs if issues arise.

Maintenance Tips

Performing routine maintenance is essential for preventing drain clogs and keeping plumbing systems operating smoothly. Here are some key maintenance tips from the experts at Balmain Plumbing:

  • Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda vinegar mix, or be mindful that lemon peels can serve as an occasional alternative, down sinks and drains weekly. Let fizz for 10 minutes then rinse with hot water to keep pipes clear.
  • It’s a wise move to trim trees and shrubs situated near underground sewer lines to prevent intrusive roots from causing damage before they get out of hand.
  • Have a professional drain inspection annually using camera equipment. Catching and clearing minor obstructions prevents major blockages.
  • Install hair catchers in sinks and shower drains. Clean out contents regularly before hair has a chance to accumulate into clogs.
  • Don’t use chemical drain cleaner options which can damage pipes. Contact Balmain Plumbing for professional hydro jetting services instead.

Performing quick, simple maintenance like using baking soda, vinegar and strainers keeps drains free-flowing. Catching issues early prevents pipe damage from major obstructions. Contact Balmain Plumbing on 1300 349 338 for additional tips or service assistance protecting your plumbing.


This article has tackled common myths about blocked drains that are prevalent amongst Balmain residents. From pouring grease down sinks to flushing wipes down toilets, many improper disposal habits contribute to drainage issues.

Blocked drains not only damage household plumbing systems but also threaten Sydney’s sewer infrastructure and local ecosystems. Without swift, professional response, minor clogs can escalate into scenarios requiring more than basic intervention.

Contact Balmain Plumbing on 1300 349 338 for reliable drain cleaning, modern maintenance programmes, or emergency plumbing services. Our qualified technicians possess skills that no longer just address any type of blockage but also prevent potential pipe damage or sewage contamination.

Equipped with accurate information, Balmain households and businesses can develop better habits. Proper maintenance and disposal practises will improve drainage systems across the community. Together, we can bust myths and keep our essential plumbing infrastructure clear and flowing.

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